JD’s Super Social Media Weekly Roundup for Monday, September 19
Mon, Sep 19, 2011

MLKSHK — is a photo-sharing site funded by its user community. (example)
Summify — news summary service has added user profiles to their feature list. (example)
Social Business Index — is an information service by the Dachis Group providing insights into how “social” companies are.
What Else Was Super?
- Facebook launched Twitter-like “subscriptions” and revamped friend lists.
- Twitter announced that it would be releasing an analytics tool.
- Gowalla announced it would be revamping, with more of a focus on travel and storytelling.
- A man in the UK became the first “Internet troll” to face jail time.
What Super Stuff Happened To You?
- I think my most recent stormtrooper photo “Fowl Storm” may have become my most popular post on Tumblr.
- I got my first good taste of Triberr, and if you’re a blogger it’s a service worth looking into.
What Will Be Super Next Week?
- You tell me!
- Don’t forget that you can receive these roundups each week via email if you like.