JD’s Super Social Media Weekly Roundup for Friday, July 22
Fri, Jul 22, 2011

Ness — is a personal search engine based on your unique tastes.
Roost — is a social marketing platform for Facebook and Twitter that I have not used but got a lot of my Facebook friends excited.
WordPress for iOS — allows iPhone users to manage a WordPress blog: add/edit posts, moderate comments, etc.
Highlighter — enables comments in the margins of your website.
The WiFi Body Scale — is an “intelligent” bathroom scale that talks to your computer, phone, or Twitter account.
Pinterest — is a place to catalog the things you love, a virtual and very visual community corkboard. (Follow me)
What Else Was Super?
- My friend Ed Steele launched a new and impressive redesign of his website GadgetMadness.
- Google released Google+ for iOS.
- My Ms. Pac-Man photo entitled “Game Over” got some Tumblr love.
- Apple launched OS X Lion for Macs.
- Google got some negative press for booting some Google+ users like William Shatner and Second Life players. I guess that’s not super for Google.
- The business cloud software Salesforce.com is exploring “gamification” with achievements, points, and leaderboards.
- ZombieBooth let me zombify myself.
- Google began using a new Google-only URL shortener: g.co.
- I registered for #BlogathonATX, scheduled for October 1 in Austin, Texas.
What Will Be Super Next Week?
- I will make further progress on Portal 2, which is a very fun game.
- You will see more blog posts here.